Scale Your Business With OmniPoint

From prospect, to close, to upsell, OmniPoint is the easy-to-use, powerful online sales & marketing platform your business needs to reach the next level.

About OmniPoint

OmniPoint offers All-Inclusive, Ready-Made Sales & Marketing Solutions to Any Sized Business in Any Industry

Business owners today too often make the mistake of wanting to execute their sales and marketing efforts themselves, without any help from outside sources. They spend thousands on ad spend, outsource their creative department, try to keep track of new leads on multiple platforms, they “duct-tape” multiple platforms (like SMS messaging or email marketing) platforms together, leaving them overwhelmed, breathless, and down-right confused.

The ideal digital marketing platform is one that has all of these tools in one place. It is one that completely streamlines the entire sales funnel, from prospect, to close, to upsell. Not only will this platform make this happen, but it will also allow you to track every aspect of this process.

This is what OmniPoint offers you, the tireless, ambitious, and dedicated business owner.

Do you want to scale your business?

Are you ready to find more qualified leads, more people who really need your products or services? This platform allows you to open up more opportunities to find new leads and prospects, and improve on your existing customer’s experience.

Do you understand that what you track grows, but don’t know where to start?

Our platform provides the opportunity to track your sales process, from start to finish. This way, you can see exactly what stage in your strategy prospects are getting stuck and where there are opportunities for growth. Whether that’s when you’ve pitched your service to them and you're waiting for a call-back, or when they’ve no-showed an appointment.

Do you want to communicate more effectively with your customers?

Are you tired of switching between applications on your phone or computer, constantly losing conversations, or missing meassages? OmniPoint puts all of your Facebook, Google My Business, emails, and SMS messages in one single location, making it easier than ever to ensure you never miss the opportunity to close a sale due to communication failures again.

How can you benefit from a self-service online sales and marketing platform?

Expand & Refine Your Marketing Efforts at Fraction of the Cost: OmniPoint makes things like email marketing, digital advertising reporting, and sales funnels easier than ever. If you’ve been wanting to expand your marketing effort to include other strategies, this is your opportunity to easily and effectively make that happen for your business. It also helps to produce a refined marketing strategy for your business.

Maximize Your Return on Marketing Invest: Say goodbye to the days of spending thousands on ad spend or outsourcing your marketing strategies, but never getting the ROI you’re looking for. With these leading-edge tools, you’ll find executing your strategies incredibly easy and incredibly effective.

Take Off the Pressure of Marketing & Sales: Completely avoid outsourcing your marketing department to an agency; this is the ultimate DIY sales and marketing strategy. Make it easy for yourself, and your employees, to communicate, capture, and convert new customers, and retain your current clients!

Boost the Visibility of Your Brand & Build a Community: Using the tools available on OmniPoint’s platform, you’re able to effectively market your business at a fraction of the cost. By executing strategies like email marketing, social media advertisements, and SMS marketing, you’ll stay in front of your clients and reinforce that brand you’ve worked so hard to create!

The Entire Sales Process On One Platform

Many companies are great at helping you convert leads, but they can’t help you actually find those people who need your products and services! Our all-inclusive platform will help you find those leads, capture them, and convert them into paying customers.

Attract Leads like Bees to Honey

Have you had a hard time attracting leads consistently? Are you tired of wasting thousands on ad spend, or you’re hiring a team for digital marketing, and not seeing the results you want? With this platform, you’ll be able to easily and effectively track your ad spend yourself; you’ll know personally what is working and what isn’t so you can quickly make the changes you need to be successful.

Communicate effectively with leads and existing customers

Meet your customers wherever they are with direct messaging and never let a lead go cold again. With our affordable two-way text messaging and calling, Google My Business messaging and calls, social media messages, and email, you’re able to easily communicate with new and existing customers all on one platform. You can even use the app on your phone!

Track the success of your campaigns and strategy

Do you know what it costs to turn a lead into a customer? Have you hammered out what strategies are working for conversion? Are you completely clear on this, or is it a bit overwhelming? With OmniPoint’s tools, you’ll know what it costs, you’ll know what works, and you’ll know it without a shadow of a doubt.

All The Tools You Need To Grow On One Simple Platform.

  • SMS Marketing
  • Calls & GMB Call Tracking
  • Reputation Management
  • Website Text-To-Chat
  • Email Marketing
  • Automated Campaigns
  • Funnels & Websites
  • Scheduling
  • Workflows & Opportunity Management
  • And More!

create amazing landing pages

in minutes with the

funnel builder

automate your messages so you can be hands-off

Find & Convert More Quality Leads

What do you need to grow your business? Probably quite a few things, but the number one thing is more customers. Using the tools OmniPoint provides will allow you to capture, communicate, and convert new leads into paying customers. Our goal for you is to maximize your ROI on leads!

Track Your Marketing & Sales Strategy’s Success

Set and keep goals with detailed and easy-to-understand reporting tools; this allows you to track what is and what isn’t working in your marketing and sales strategies. Keep track of where leads are, and how much money is being spent and generated in each stage of the process. Identifying weaknesses and strengths in your sales & marketing strategies are easier than ever with OmniPoint. Our goal here is to make the sales process as easy as possible, so you can spend more time growing your business.

Get More 5-Star Reviews Quickly & Easily

In today’s world, before anyone goes to call or book an appointment with a company, what do they do? They read online reviews. Ensuring that your customers are leaving you reviews helps to build two things: build rapport and build a community of loyal customers who love your product and who will shout that from the rooftops!

OmniPoint makes managing your reputation easier than ever. Use our online listing tools so people can find you where it matters, like Google, Facebook, and loads of industry-specific platforms. Automate review requests via email, SMS messages, or social media, and track that progress so you can rest easy knowing you’re making the right moves.

Know Exactly What It Costs To Turn A Lead Into A Customer

Any profitable business understands and can report how much they’re spending on ads, and where it is exactly that their leads are coming from. If your business is unable to report either of those, it’s likely you’re being held back from your full professional potential.

Using OmniPoint, you’ll know how your sales and marketing strategies are performing, how much you’re spending, and how much you’re generating, all on one simple, yet powerful platform.

Easy-to-Use, Mobile-Friendly Dashboard

Whether you’re completely unfamiliar with marketing, you’re a pro, whether you have a small- or large-scale business, OmniPoint is for you! Your OmniPoint dashboard will include reporting, tracking, automating, scheduling, and reputation tools you need to scale your business.

You’ll also have a list of all your contacts; say goodbye to endless searches for customer numbers or email addresses! They’ll all be in one easy-to-use location. You can even reply to messages or return calls on the go from your mobile device.



What Are Your Options?

We have three options that meet you wherever you are! Whether you’re just starting up and simply want to improve communication with your leads and clients communicate or you’re established and ready to take your business to the next level, OmniPoint has an option for you. If you see the value in a different package, you have the option to upgrade, or downgrade, at any time.



($970/year = 2 months free)

  • Dashboard
  • Two-Way SMS*
  • GMB Messaging and Call Tracking*
  • Website Text-to-Chat Widget*
  • Call Tracking*
  • Reputation Management
  • Tagging
  • Review Generation
  • Emails
  • Facebook Messenger



($1,970/year = 2 months free)

  • Everything in Communicate
  • Calendar & Scheduling
  • Pipeline Management
  • Email Marketing
  • CRM & Tracking
  • Form Builder
  • Survey Builder



($2,970/year = 2 months free)

(best value!)

  • Funnels
  • In-Text Trigger Link Tracking
  • Memberships
  • Website Building
  • HTML Builder
  • SMS & Email Templates
  • Drip & Automated Campaigns
  • Workflow Management
  • Reporting for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Calls, and Appointments

Don't want to set it up yourself? Choose our one time set-up fee of $497!

*additional fees apply. Making calls $0.026/min. Receiving calls $0.017/min. SMS $0.015/sms segment sent and received..

An All-Inclusive Platform for Streamlining Your Sales Process

Features Communicate - $97 ($970/year = 2 months free) Capture - $197 ($1,970/year = 2 months free) Convert - $297 ($2,970/year = 2 months free)
Two-Way SMS
Google My Business Messaging
Website Text-To-Chat Widget
Call Tracking (Google My Business Call Tracking)
Review & Online Listing Management
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Pipeline Management
Email Marketing
In-Text Trigger Link Tracking
Website Building
Form & Survey Building & Tracking
HTML Builder
SMS & Email Templates
Drip / Automated Campaigns
Workflow Management
Reporting for Google Ads, Facebook Ads, Calls & Appointments.

Frequently Asked Questions

Can I upgrade my plan?

Of course! You can upgrade, or downgrade, to a different package whenever you see value in a different plan.

How do I sign up?

Fill out the form to begin your free 7-day trial! We’ll send you everything you need to get your OmniPoint dashboard set up.

Can more than one employee access the dashboard?

Yes! You can provide your marketing team with usernames and passwords. Depending on your preferences, all data will be available for editing by anyone who logs in.

Is there support?

Our support team is 24/7 with live support, world-wide.

Does OmniPoint offer content templates?

Yes, it does! With the Convert plant, text and email templates are included.

Am I locked into a contract?

Absolutely not! No contracts, and you can cancel whenever you feel ready.

How does SMS and call pricing work?

Pricing varies between the services; pricing depends on whether you are making calls, receiving calls, or texting. Our rates are significantly lower than competitors, who may charge up to $0.075 per text and $0.050 per call!

  • MAKING CALLS | $ 0.026 / min.
  • RECEIVING CALLS | $ 0.017 / min.
  • TEXT MESSAGES | $ 0.015 / sms segment sent and received.

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